Made for TriJam #145 ("Anti-...").

Start with a (possibly badly played), finished game of Othello/Reversi. Can you work your way back to a starting position? (Meaning here: Any four colored stones in the middle 2x2 square of the board, but nowhere else.)

Left click to make a move. Right click to restart.

Current legal (backwards) moves[1] can be seen to have a pale blue dot on them.

You can restrict the direction of where the (original) move supposedly  ' came from' by toggling the arrow icons off (and back on), with left click.

(Remember that the 2x2 patch in the middle can't be removed at all, so no (reverse) move can start there. Also remember that the first stone had to already have been of the color of the last player _and_ there had to be at least one stone of another color between the selected one and that 'origin'.)

1.] Sort of at least, I'm only checking some basic things.

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