Made in roughly7 hours for TriJam #175.

Select a card from your hand in the bottom to place. Valid placements will be shown with a green circle. After each turn the hand ditches the rightmost card, and a new one will be generated on the left. (So 2 cards will be used, one on the field, and one goes to the void.) You start with four seedling cards, and a random one. (Seedling cards appear only at the start,)


  • Seedlings (cards) can be placed on the top layer of earth.
  • Stems and flowers (cards)  can only be placed on 'top' placement circles (matching colors).
  • Roots and potato's (card) can only be placed on 'bottom' placement circles (marching colors).


  • -1 point for each open placement circle on the card
  • -1 point for each turn skipped (the button)
  • 1 point for each seedling
  • (1+n) x 2 points for each flower, where n is the number of stems in between
  • (1+n) x 3 points for each potato, where n is the number of roots in between

Game Ends:

The game ends when no more cards can be placed, not even with a turn skip. (The cards are infinite ...for strategy, it would probably have been better if there was a limit as well. -- Also I'm pretty sure you can soft-lock if you go outside of the screen or 'underneath' the earth.)

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